Modern internet sucks
- So I'm going back to the roots! -
I've been on the internet since about 2003, when I was way, WAY too young to really be on the internet. But I was, and what I remember from back then was:
- Flash games
- Sprite comics
- DeviantArt
- Sonic Fanart
- Gaia Online
- and fanshrines and bloated eye-straining hobby sites.
Nostalgia feels more like a disease nowadays, than a comforting memory hole. And as the internet is more and more commodified and consumer friendly and tame and lame, it too is becoming more of a chore than an escape or community. But the cure to corporate nihilism is unyielding sincerity and unwavering belief in something better. In this case, the aesthetics of early 2000s internet, anime and games, and fanworks!
I'm dedicating this page to my fanworks (mostly fanfics) and my unfiltered, romanticism-like thought on whatever art I partake in. By which I mean reviews of books and other media.
I have links to my social media and other sites to the left, and under the 'Links' button in the navigation field. I also have a genereal Contact page for ways to get in touch if needed.
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